완화된 수퍼마켓 근로자 비자 조건

완화된 수퍼마켓 근로자 비자 조건

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Supermarket and Essential Health Workers granted relaxed visa restrictions ( 비자 조건 완화)


The Government has today granted further working rights for workers in supermarket and essential health positions. Specifically,


* Up until 25 April 2020, work visa holders working in supermarkets can work in roles in addition to those specified on their visa.(수퍼마켓에 근무하는 근로자는4월 25일까지 비자 명시된 타이틀 이외의 일을 할수 있음)


* During the same period, student visa holders who were an employee of a supermarket on 23 March 2020 can now work more than the current maximum of 20 hours per week.( 3월 23일 자로 수퍼마켓에서 근무하던 학생비자 소지자는 4우러 25일까지 20시간 이상 근무 가능)


* During the same period, interim visa holders (who held a student or work visa immediately prior to the interim visa), who were an employee of a supermarket on 23 March 2020 can work more than the current maximum of 20 hours per week.


수퍼마켓 근무 근로자로 학생 비자나 워크비자소지자의 인터림 비자시도 20시간 이상 근무 가능/ 4월 25일까지적용


* These relaxed conditions also apply to essential jealth workers up until 3 July 2020, provided that they hold this employment as of 3 April 2020.​( 헬스 워크들도 동일한 내용 적용) 

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인기 2021년 영주권 신청
HANNAYOU | 조회 3,008 | 2021.09.30