【Hiring!!】 영어 선샌님을 초빙합니다. We are hiring English teacher

【Hiring!!】 영어 선샌님을 초빙합니다. We are hiring English teacher

0 개 2,062 stupidmekimy


안녕하세요. 우리는 명도교육 Brilliant Future Group 입니다. 


We are a English Skills training Group (Teaching PTE Skills). 

We are looking for teacher that can speak Korean and English well. (would be great if you can speak Chinese as well!)


We are welcome everyone who can speak English well and able to teach. If you had experience on PTE would be great. But it doesn't matter if you don't because we will provide training.


If you are interested in this, please send us you CV and any English Test result (if you have one) to info@brilliantfuturenz.com or contact me at Kakao talk: stupidmekimy.



My name is Elaine, ​General Manager at Brilliant Future Group. I can speak a little bit Korean and I normally use Cantonese, Mandarin and English. Feel free to contact me with any languages that mentioned above XDD. We are looking forward to hear from you! 


언제든지 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.  





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