Avondale 1 bedroom

Avondale 1 bedroom

0 개 1,814 eternity830
Avondale 1 bedroom unit with living room and bathroom.
Fully furnished including power, water, wireless internet, phone.
close to bus stop and Avondale collage.
Walk to unitec.

contact number
021 381696

Total 4,427 Posts, Now 84 Page

인기 홈스테이^^
vivianna | 조회 1,030 | 2013.11.30
인기 플랫 구하시나요?
튼실이 | 조회 1,018 | 2013.11.30
인기 city flatmate wanted (남)
likeJ | 조회 1,062 | 2013.11.29