Takapuna Student Accommodation

Takapuna Student Accommodation

0 개 969 kimandykim
Student Accommodation Central Takapuna

Single and doubleroom available (furnished)
Excellent location - Quiet and private
Close to shops, bus station, and beach
Off street parking
Large, spacious with separate entrance
Totally redecorated, new carpet, paint and fittings

Cost - Single room $200 per week
           Doubleroom $250 per week
*Includes power, water and internet.

Total 4,426 Posts, Now 18 Page

인기 홈스테이
Bill Gates | 조회 1,223 | 2013.10.23
인기 서쪽 쿠메우 kumeu
keery | 조회 1,200 | 2013.10.23
인기 RENT 구하시는분
bear95 | 조회 1,371 | 2013.10.23