University Academic Writing + Study Skills

University Academic Writing + Study Skills

0 개 920 OwenMcCaffrey
Hello everyone,

My name is Owen McCaffrey and I am a 41yo male postgraduate business lecturer in Auckland.  I have a bachelor of Management Studies (Waikato) and Master of Applied Linguistics (Waikato). I have extensive experience as a tutor, ESL teacher and business lecturer over the last 15 years, in both South Korea and New Zealand.  I enjoy and excel at helping students to understand complex English or business-related topics.

My areas of expertise and experience include the following:
- Undergraduate Level Economics, Finance, Management
- English Writing and Speaking (including TOEFL/IELTS)
- University level Academic Writing Skills (undergraduate and postgraduate)

I am offering an evening course in 2023 for students who wish to improve their academic results.

Some guidelines to my classes:
- 12 week course of 2 x 2 hour Workshops per week (12 x 4 = 48 hours total)
- maximum of 10 students in the class
- Six topics covered two at a time:
1. Time and Study Management
2. Academic Writing 1
3. Academic Writing 2
4. Findng and Referencing information
5. Presentation Skills
6. Software for Business (Excel, Power BI)
- Cost for the 12 week (48 hour) course is $2,000 per student
- Start date A: March 2023 - May 2023
- Start date B: July 2023 - September 2023
- Times: Tue/Thu 7-9pm NZT online
- Workshops will be conducted online using Zoom and students will receive 2 hours per week of activities to prepare and revise
- Students located in South Korea are also welcome to apply

Contact details:
Owen McCaffrey
Ph: 020 4164 8213
Location: Auckland CBD

Total 1,524 Posts, Now 1 Page

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