Korean/English Language Exchange

Korean/English Language Exchange

0 개 1,513 OwenMcCaffrey


My name is Owen McCaffrey and I am a 41yo Business lecturer in Auckland CBD.  I am interested in Korean language exchange.  I already have a private Korean tutor.  My Korean level is upper-elementary / lower intermediate.  I prefer to discuss social issues, economics and political topics.  I want to improve my Korean through practice with Korean people who also wish to improve their English skills.

Number of people: 1 to 1 or small group upto 4 people.

Structure: 50/50 English and Korean (eg. 30mins Korean and 30mins English)

Topic(s): Taken from current events and Korean/English newspapers.  Of interest to all participants.

Duration: Until the end of this year

Time: Weekly or fortnighly on Tuesday or Thursday at 5-7pm (after work)

Location: Auckland CBD in a cafe.  It is alsp possible to meet in West Auckland sometimes.

Contact: My phone number is 02041648213 and email owenmccaffrey@gmail.com


Owen McCaffrey

Total 1,249 Posts, Now 3 Page

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