Top in NZ& in the World/미술학원/University Portfolio/CIE/IB/NCEA

Top in NZ& in the World/미술학원/University Portfolio/CIE/IB/NCEA

0 개 369 tsingmei

뉴질랜드에서 가장 강력한 페인팅 스튜디오 TsingMei Art Studio

케임브리지 대학교 왕립 예술 대학

 The Wallace Secondary School Art Awards 2022 Frist Prize WinnerAuckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki  Pat Hanly Creativity Awards 2022

TsingMei Art Studio is established and operated by Senlinart Ltd since 2011, studio has CityPakuranga and Albany branch for now, more than 300+ clients aging from youth to adults coming from Auckland, Hamilton, Christchurch, etc. The staff of studio are all art professionals graduated from (CHINA, USA, UK, KOREA, RUSSIA, USA, NZ)

Tsinghua University, Johns Hopkins University, Central Saint Martins - University of the Arts LondonWeta Studio, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Auckland University, 이화여자대학교Ewha Womans University... working as Artists and designers etc.​

NCEA Scholarship: DVCDesignPhotographyVisual Arts, Sculpture, etc.

IB(International Baccalureate Organization): Visual Arts(Higher Level & Standard Level) 7

CIE IGCSE/A-Level(Cambridge International Education) : Art & Design Top in the world & Top in New Zealand, Design & Technology 98 A*, Digital Media 98 A*etc.

포토샵일러스트레이터스케치업라이노마야맥스  다양한 소프트웨어 트레이닝이 가능합니다

For the past few years, we submitted 2000+applications for Architecture and Art Design majors to all the top 10 universities globally. our students hadgained scholarship more than $1,000,000100% pass rate.

Royal College of Art(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 1University of the Arts London(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 2)University College London(University ranking Architecture No. 1)AA Architectural Association School of ArchitectureUniversity of Manchester(Uni ranking Architecture No. 5)Glasgow School of Arts(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 12), Goldsmiths,   University of Edinburgh, NottinghamSheffield, Cardiff, Butler etc.

Rhode Island School of Design(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 3) Parsons School of Design (Uni ranking Art&Design No. 4),Pratt Institute(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 6)School of the Art Institute of Chicago(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 11),  Art Center Collge of Design(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 14), ACCD etc.      

National University of Singapore(Uni ranking Architecture No. 7)

Tsinghua University(Uni ranking Architecture No. 8) (Uni ranking Art&Design No. 18)      The University of Hong Kong(Uni ranking Architecture No. 14)

University of Melbourne(Uni ranking Architecture No. 23), University of Sydney(Uni ranking Architecture No.31),  RMIT(Uni ranking Art&Design No. 19), UTS, UNSW etc. 

많은 학생들이 뉴질랜드미국영국호주대학교 등에서 좋은 입시 결과를 내고 있습니다.

실력있고 열정적인 학생들과 선생님들이 협업하여

이미 2000개의 오퍼를 받았고.        1000, 000  이상의 장학금

취미 미술성인 미술 분들의 문의가 늘어 커리큘럼을 세분화하여 학생분들을  모집하고 있습니다."

저희 스튜디오는 수업만 하는 곳이 아니라 현지 아티스트들의 세미나도 진행하고 있습니다.

수시로 열리는 Tsingmei Meetup 통해 전문적인 정보를 누구보다 빠르고 정확하게 습득하실  있습니다.


작업시  필요한 스킬들로만 구성된 알차고 체계적인 소프트웨어 수업에 관해 궁금하신 분들은 언제든지 연락주세요.

저희 스튜디오는 수업만 하는 곳이 아니라 다양한 현지 디자이너나 명문대 재학생들의 디자인 특강까지 함께 진행하고 있습니다.

디자이너 선생님과 함께 작업시  필요한 스킬 들로만 구성된 알차고 체계적인 소프트웨어 수업에 관해 궁금하신 

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