타우랑가 무료 영어 수업

타우랑가 무료 영어 수업

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LOVE English Conversation Classes 


Looking for more students for next term

Call or text David on 02041283124

. classes go for two hours and are held weekly during school term

. they are FUN with lots of laughter.

. they are small, 6 people or less, so there is much opportunity to practice speaking.

. classes are a great way to improve your English and to make friends and connections in Tauranga.

. the first Class is a general conversation class for about an hour, followed by a break and then an English Conversation Bible class.

 . cuppa and snack provided.

 . classes are held in a warm home environment at 8 Atkins Way, Ohauiti.

 . let us know what times during the week you can come and we will try to form a class at a time you can come.


The classes are given by David Kidd, pastor at Church of God’s LOVE/COG7 (www.churchofgodslove.com). He has been running English conversation classes and English conversation Bible studies since 2017. Reviews below.


Reviews of LOVE English Conversation Classes

When I started to live in NZ, I knew little English. I didn't know how to speak English and even how to write text. So I was really sad about the situation. At that time, I met David at a free conversation class. That was the only chance to practice speaking English because I was not brave to speak with people in English. I avoided talking in English except for the class. So even when I met David at the tennis court, I hardly talk to him. The only place where I can speak English without anxiety was David's conversation class. Not only I learn English, but  I met  nice people. We shared lots of tips to live in NZ and the difficulties with living abroad etc. The time I spent with them is really precious. I can't forget it. 


Our David’s class warms the heart.  I enjoy free talking while drinking hot tea comfortably.  He also informs us of good English expressions and helps us to express using them. It is a harmonious class where all of the friends who take the class together must be close.  We sometimes debate, but that's also a great opportunity to improve your English a lot. Thank you for being able to take such a good class.  


Your class of English conversation was my first English class, which has been a big help to start to increase my English and also to make me to believe God. I have been praying that you are always happy with more people who need faith of God, relationships with sincere friendsand also English improvement like me at that time.

-Paul Kim

I was very lucky to meet this English conversation class because we learned useful conversations with a kind teacher and friends who were full of passion. I had fun attending this class because I could chat with other students as if we were close friends. Thanks to interesting topics, I could think more deeply in English. Also, reading the Bible in English was very useful. Fun events with kids were also fun! We could have classes outdoor or stroll around in a nearby forest.  


Here's my real feelings about your class:)

I've been studying with David for almost a year now.  I was lucky to get into his class. His class is really fun and engaging, because he brings up heaps of interesting topics in every class so that we could discuss and learn new things.  I like the way he teaches us, trying to have all students involved in the class without any feelings of being left out during the class. He's extremely organized for his class and witty. I love this vivid, funny and chatty conversation class with him.  Why don't you come and join?    


My name is Hanna Park. I am writing to say the following regarding DAVID’S AMAZING FREE ENGLISH CLASS. I attended his class for about two years and got lots of help from it to improve my English. His sensitive and high rank words and idioms made my English elegant.  David’s English is very neat and good for Korean students to understand. His class is helpful for living NZ life. My favourite class is the Bible study.

His questions about the Bible made me think and think actively and motivated me. We can consider both our life and English. Actually, I live in Auckland at the moment so I really miss his class. I have not found this good free class here. I would like to recommend this class strongly and you will never be disappointed. Please grab this good opportunity.



I have been at David’s class for 2 years. My 2 years with David and our class was great and a special time for me. I really want to say that, it is a good opportunity to join the class and you won’t regret it. It was a helpful English class for me and others. David is the most kind teacher I ever met. We sometimes do outdoor activities and classes. And he takes us to somewhere that we haven’t been. I really enjoyed the trips with David class and with my children. I achieved my English skills  and it was nice to be there learning with others. Thank you.

Kind regards

-Yeo hee Kim

I've been joining David's English Bible class for over 3 years now. I think I was so lucky to join his class. I got to meet some good friends in the class. Living in NZ taking care of children by myself without a husband and family is sometimes hard. Then meeting good people is a great comfort. We are all in the same situation here so we understand each other well. By attending this class, I got to know about the Bible more deeply. Studying the Bible in English is sometimes difficult to understand but it was a good opportunity to think about the Bible. I am happy to learn more about Jesus while studying the Bible. The more I learned the Bible, the more interesting it was. Furthermore I was able to have a chance to speak English so I think it helped me improve my English. 

I'd like to thank David. I am so grateful that he has been having this class for more than 3 years. It was enjoyable to go to his class every week. When I go back to Korea, I will miss the time learning  the Bible at his class with good people.  


번호 제목 날짜
11551 2024 커뮤니티 중국어 수업 안내
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2024.02.13 (화) 13:06
11550 마오리 언어와 문화 이해 ###마감되었습니다###
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2024.02.13 (화) 12:53
11549 한인회_ 정영남화백 전시회
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2024.02.13 (화) 11:15
11548 2024년 순복음교회 투게더문화센터 텀1 접수
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2024.02.12 (월) 22:20
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2024.02.12 (월) 20:58
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2024.02.12 (월) 18:34
11545 아시안 보건 서비스 조회 434
2024.02.12 (월) 14:43
11544 스쿼시를 배울수 있는 좋은 기회가 있어 알려드립니다.
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2024.02.12 (월) 11:51
11543 (오늘개최!!) 의대입시전략 무료세미나
우리엔젯유학컨설팅| ★ RSVP : 세미나 참석을 위한 구글폼 작성해 주세… 더보기
조회 359
2024.02.12 (월) 10:44
11542 <<나비>>새 주차 시간 시스템 공지
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2024.02.11 (일) 23:56
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조회 490
2024.02.11 (일) 12:38
11540 자전거 같이 탈까요? 오클랜드 자전거 모임
자연이좋아| 안녕하세요.자전거 같이 탈 분들 모집합니다.1주일에 1… 더보기
조회 525
2024.02.11 (일) 11:31
11539 연기레슨 2월 말에 무료수업 진행합니다!
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2024.02.10 (토) 20:31
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2024.02.10 (토) 15:57
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2024.02.10 (토) 07:39
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2024.02.09 (금) 20:41
11535 영어성경공부 - Reformed Presbyterian Church of…
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조회 481
2024.02.09 (금) 17:13
11534 Korean Biomedical science Students' Asso…
jy8297| 안녕하세요,Korean Biomedical Scienc… 더보기
조회 887
2024.02.09 (금) 15:36
11533 40년전통 중화요리 만다린 개업!
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조회 2,417
2024.02.09 (금) 12:43
11532 예인 영어 교실 (타카푸나)
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2024.02.09 (금) 11:05
11531 한우리교회 평생교육원 텀 1 개강 안내
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2024.02.09 (금) 10:07
11530 독수리 예수제자 훈련학교 학생 모집
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2024.02.08 (목) 17:41
11529 무료 유방암 검진-오클랜드 중심 지역 클리닉 일정
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조회 267
2024.02.08 (목) 09:59
11528 (긴급!) 의대입시전략 무료세미나 개최
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조회 541
2024.02.08 (목) 02:21
11527 뮤직가튼 〔MUSIK GARTEN〕 Term 1 baby class가 신…
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조회 569
2024.02.07 (수) 20:34
11526 에이지컨선 스마트폰 자원봉사자 모집
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조회 744
2024.02.07 (수) 20:29
11525 무료 사회 복지 및 카운셀링 서비스
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조회 619
2024.02.07 (수) 15:59
11524 올바른 음식물 분리 수거에 대하여
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조회 805
2024.02.07 (수) 12:02
11523 양봉체험,꿀벌 생태관 개방이 계속됩니다.
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조회 497
2024.02.07 (수) 08:40
11522 K-Lunar New Year Experience Day(한국설 체험의 …
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조회 982
2024.02.06 (화) 23:18
11521 이번주 동네한바퀴 금요일 10시
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조회 975
2024.02.06 (화) 21:05
11520 한우리 문화센터 Term1 강좌안내!
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조회 1,840
2024.02.06 (화) 19:50
11519 Fivestatr Waitangi 휴무합니다
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조회 340
2024.02.06 (화) 10:56
11518 운동(헬스) 하고싶으신분
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조회 1,439
2024.02.06 (화) 01:08
11517 한인회_ 정영남화백 전시회
한인회| 안녕하세요 오클랜드 한인회입니다.2월 17일 토요일 한… 더보기
조회 570
2024.02.05 (월) 21:00
11516 죠이플 청소년 오케스트라 신입단원 모집합니다
hey123| 안녕하세요 뉴질랜드 한인 유일의 청소년 오케스트라 "죠… 더보기
조회 373
2024.02.05 (월) 19:45
11515 투게더문화센터 2024 텀1 접수 (오클랜드 순복음 교회)
꽃담| 안녕하세요.오클랜드순복음교회 <투게더문화센터>… 더보기
조회 898
2024.02.05 (월) 16:52
11514 2024 대한민국 국회의원 재외 선거
nzblue| 대한민국재향군인회 뉴질랜드 지회(회장 우준기)는 회원들… 더보기
조회 605
2024.02.05 (월) 14:05
11513 새해에 대운이 열리게 하는 방법
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조회 524
2024.02.05 (월) 13:25
11512 함께 향초를 만드는 휴식같은 시간에 초대합니다.
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조회 825
2024.02.05 (월) 12:34
11511 여성회 사진반 - 2월 27일 미란다로 출사! 영어신문읽기반은 현재 수업…
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조회 622
2024.02.05 (월) 10:07
11510 아시안 보건 서비스
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조회 475
2024.02.05 (월) 09:59
11509 뮤직가튼 〔MUSIK GARTEN〕 Term 1 등록하세요!
Onew| 안녕하세요?뮤직가튼〔MUSIK GARTEN〕입니다.20… 더보기
조회 562
2024.02.05 (월) 09:23
11508 "코리안가든 정원을 함께 아름답게 가꾸어요!”
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조회 1,054
2024.02.03 (토) 19:59
11507 Family Fun Day
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조회 728
2024.02.03 (토) 19:34
11506 One World Playgroup
3boys| 안녕하세요. 글렌필드 커뮤니티 교회에서 운영하고있는 O… 더보기
조회 645
2024.02.02 (금) 13:59
11505 오전에 뭐하세요? 운동해요~
달진이| 같이 운동해요~
조회 1,609
2024.02.02 (금) 11:36
11504 2024 낮은마음 사역 계획
우직여우| <나눔공동체낮은마음> & <숨,… 더보기
조회 570
2024.02.01 (목) 18:43
11503 ◆◇글렌필드 도서관 설맞이 Harry Kim 작가 작품 전시회◆◇
aucklandlib| 국내외에서 활발한 전시 활동을 하고 있는 Harry K… 더보기
조회 811
2024.02.01 (목) 17:53
11502 [통가리로 크로싱 사진여행 (한사협 출사) ]
yunakim| [통가리로 크로싱 사진여행 (한사협 출사) ]또는 타마… 더보기
조회 719
2024.02.01 (목) 15:32