Free4u Computing Unitec

Free4u Computing Unitec

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Free4U Albany

At Free4U we offer 9 free self-directed introductory Office 2013 computer courses.  Start anytime, choose courses you are interested in and session times that are convenient for you. Learn from our instructional material with accompanying practical exercises on our computers.  Facilitators are available to assist if required.   Our session times are 1.5 hours each and 3 sessions per day is the maximum you can attend.

Free4U Albany will be open as normal at Unitec Northern Campus until the end of January 2017 at this stage.  We are currently looking at alternative venues for Free4U, and will notify you when a decision has been made.

Online Booking Form

LocationUnitec Northern Campus
10 Rothwell Ave, Albany
Unitec Building 610 Room 2005 (upstairs & on right)

Free4U Computing Albany on Google Maps
Unitec Northern Campus Map
Phone+ 64 9 892 7761
Session Times

Session Times
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9.00am, 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2.00pm (close 3.30pm)
9.00am, 10.30am, 12.30pm (close 2.00pm)

FacilitatorsAsh Bennett (Team Lead

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