Auckland Domain Wintergardens (Public) 오클랜드 도메인 윈터가든(퍼브릭)

20 Park Road, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand
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Auckland Domain Wintergardens (Public)

The Winter Garden at the Auckland Domain is a treasure of great historic interest. It was designed in the early 1900s in the style of the famous English partnership of Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jeckyll and opened in 1913. Rare and spectacular plants in an ever-changing display can be seen in each of the two barrel-vaulted Victorian style glass houses which face out on to an extensive court yard and sunken pool. The marble statues in the courtyard between the glass houses were added in the 1920s and 30s by local businessman William Elliot. One house is heated and shows off lush tropical and heat-loving plants while the other displays temperate plants changing with the seasons. Substantial pergolas link the formal design and host many showy climbers. A wide collection of New Zealand ferns growing in a sunken scoria quarry to the rear completes the Winter Garden complex.

Opening Hours and Tariffs

1 April – 31 October – Monday to Sunday 9am – 4.30pm 1 November – 31 March – Monday to Saturday 9am – 5.30pm and Sunday 9am – 7.30pm Admission is free Can accommodate large groups