4,402 community cases; 354 hospitalisations; 8 in ICU; 9 deaths
0 개
12/06/2022. 13:40
노영례 (115.♡.89.202)

Today we are reporting 4,402 community cases, 354 current hospitalisations, and nine deaths.
The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 5,919 – last Sunday, it was 6,779.
COVID-19 deaths
Today we are sadly reporting the deaths of nine people with COVID-19. All these people died within in the past seven days.
Today’s reported deaths take the total number of publicly reported deaths with COVID-19 to 1,320 and the seven-day rolling average of reported deaths is 13.
Of the people whose deaths we are reporting today; one was from Northland, three were from the Auckland region, two were from the Wellington region; two were from Canterbury; and one was from Southern.
One person was in their 60s; three were in their 70s; four were in their 80s; and one was aged over 90. Of these people, three were women and six were men.
This is a very sad time for whānau and friends and our thoughts and condolences are with them. Out of respect, we will be making no further comment on these deaths.
Vaccinations administered in New Zealand
Vaccines administered to date: 4,027,974 first doses; 3,980,065 second doses; 32,565 third primary doses; 2,667,836 booster doses: 263,448 paediatric first doses and 127,637 paediatric second doses
Vaccines administered yesterday: 20 first doses; 46 second doses; 12 third primary doses; 995 booster doses; 122 paediatric first doses and 599 paediatric second doses
People vaccinated
All ethnicities (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 4,054,234 first dose (96.3%); 4,005,634 second dose (95.2%), 2,647,111 boosted (of the 18+ population) (72.7% of those eligible)
Māori (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 521,470 first dose (91.3%); 504,745 second dose (88.4%), 238,216 boosted (of the 18+ population) (55.8% of those eligible)
Pacific Peoples (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 282,180 first dose (98.4%); 277,411 second dose (96.8%), 143,032 boosted (of the 18+ population) (59.5% of those eligible)
16 to 17 year old booster uptake (all ethnicities): 11,729 boosted (12.2% of those eligible)
16 to 17 year old booster uptake (Māori): 1,088 boosted (5.9% of those eligible)
16 to 17 year old booster uptake (Pacific Peoples): 657 boosted (6.7% of those eligible)
5 to 11-year-olds all ethnicities: 260,204 first dose (54.6%); 124,386 second dose (26.1%)
5 to 11-year-olds - Māori: 41,075 first dose (35.5%); 14,530 second dose (12.6%)
5 to 11-year-olds - Pacific Peoples: 23,756 first dose (48.1%); 7,822 second dose (15.8%)
Note that the number for “People vaccinated” differs slightly from “Vaccines administered” as it includes those that have been vaccinated overseas.
Vaccination rates for all DHBs*
Northland DHB: first dose (90%); second dose (88%); boosted (68.9%)
Auckland DHB: first dose (99.1%); second dose (98.1%); boosted (75.2%)
Counties Manukau DHB: first dose (96.2%); second dose (95%); boosted (68.3%)
Waitemata DHB: first dose (96.5%); second dose (95.6%); boosted (73.1%)
Waikato DHB: first dose (95%); second dose (93.6%); boosted (68.1%)
Bay of Plenty DHB: first dose (95.1%); second dose (93.4%); boosted (67.1%)
Lakes DHB: first dose (92.9%); second dose (91.2%); boosted (67.3%)
MidCentral DHB: first dose (96.3%); second dose (95.1%); boosted (73.5%)
Tairāwhiti DHB: first dose (92.8%); second dose (90.6%); boosted (67.2%)
Whanganui DHB: first dose (91.8%); second dose (90.3%); boosted (72.6%)
Hawke’s Bay DHB: first dose (97.3%); second dose (95.8%); boosted (71%)
Taranaki DHB: first dose (94.6%); second dose (93.2%); boosted (69.3%)
Wairarapa DHB: first dose (96.3%); second dose (94.9%); boosted (74.3%)
Capital & Coast DHB: first dose (98.4%); second dose (97.7%); boosted (81.1%)
Hutt Valley DHB: first dose (96.5%); second dose (95.6%); boosted (76.4%)
Nelson Marlborough DHB: first dose (96.4%); second dose (95.2%); boosted (74.7%)
West Coast DHB: first dose (92.6%); second dose (91.2%); boosted (72.3%)
Canterbury DHB: first dose (99.8%); second dose (98.9%); boosted (75.8%)
South Canterbury DHB: first dose (94.5%); second dose (93.5%); boosted (75.5%)
Southern DHB: first dose (98.5%); second dose (97.5%); boosted (74.6%)
*Partially and second doses percentages are for those 12+. Boosted percentages are for 18+ who have become eligible 3 months after having their second dose or 16 and 17 year olds who have become eligible 6 months after having their second dose.
Cases in hospital: total number 354: Northland: 9; Waitematā: 38; Counties Manukau: 34; Auckland: 57; Waikato: 29; Bay of Plenty: 16; Lakes: 1; Tairāwhiti: 3; Hawke’s Bay: 10; Taranaki: 11; Whanganui: 1; MidCentral: 17; Wairarapa: 3; Hutt Valley: 23; Capital and Coast: 22; Nelson Marlborough: 7; Canterbury: 43; South Canterbury: 5; West Coast: 0; Southern: 25.
Average age of current hospitalisations (Northern Region): 62
Cases in ICU or HDU: 8
Vaccination status of current hospitalisations (Northern Region only, excluding Emergency Departments): Unvaccinated or not eligible (28 cases / 12.9%); partially immunised <7 days from second dose or have only received one dose (1 case / 0.46%); double vaccinated at least 7 days before being reported as a case (46 cases / 21.2%); Received booster at least 7 days before being reported as a case (139 cases / 64.06%); Unknown (3 cases / 1.38%).
Please note the average age of current hospitalisations is for the Northern Region admissions only at this stage. This data is recorded and extracted from the same source as the vaccination status of patients in Northern Region hospitals.
Seven day rolling average of community cases: 5,919
Seven day rolling average (as at same day last week): 6,779
Number of new community cases: 4,402
Number of new community cases (PCR): 173
Number of new community cases (RAT): 4,229
Location of new community cases (PCR & RAT): Northland (91), Auckland (1,302), Waikato (299), Bay of Plenty (141), Lakes (62), Hawke’s Bay (148), MidCentral (161), Whanganui (56), Taranaki (121), Tairāwhiti (16), Wairarapa (37), Capital and Coast (430), Hutt Valley (203), Nelson Marlborough (161), Canterbury (678), South Canterbury (78), Southern (369), West Coast (47), Unknown (2)
Number of new imported cases: 72
Number of active community cases (total): 41,416 (cases identified in the past 7 days and not yet classified as recovered)
Confirmed cases (total): 1,231,900.
Please note, the Ministry of Health’s daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a DHB or local public health unit level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence. Total numbers will always be the formal daily case tally as reported to the WHO.
Number of PCR tests total (last 24 hours): 2,913
Number of Rapid Antigen Tests reported total (last 24 hours): 9,993*
PCR tests rolling average (last 7 days): 2,894
Number of Rapid Antigen Tests dispatched (last 7 days as of 10 June 2022): 0.6 million.
*Note: A technical issue yesterday, which has now been resolved, means that the reported number for rapid antigen tests today includes the total number of supervised RATs from the past 48 hours.
출처: 6월 12일 보건부 보도자료